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Plain Trolley

I-Beam Trolley

I-Beam Plain Trolley and Geared Trolley

I-beam plain trolleys and geared trolleys are frequently utilized in industrial and construction settings to transport/reposition heavy loads along an I-beam monorail track. The plain trolley is operated manually by pushing or pulling it along the track, whereas the geared trolley requires  a hand chain to move the trolley and the load. Both types of trolleys are engineered to ensure a secure and effective means of conveying heavy materials.


We specialize in providing reliable and high-quality I-beam trolleys that are designed to meet your specific needs. Our trol are built with durability in mind and are available in a wide range of options to choose from. Whether you require a trolley for your workshop or warehouse, we have got you covered. Take a look at our selection today and find perfect trolley that suits your requirements.

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